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Port 5
National Association Of Naval Veterans
Danny Bucci Annual
Memorial Golf Outing
Friday August 2,2024
Fairchild Wheeler Golf Course
2930 Easton Turnpike Fairfield CT
Registration at 8:00 am 9:00 am Shotgun Start Scramble Format
$600.00 Per Foursome Small groups & Singles Welcome at $150 per Person
Includes: Golf Cart * Greens Fee * Golf Balls * Registration Gift * Breakfast * Refreshments on course * Cash prizes for 1st 2nd & 3rd place teams * Putting Contest, Longest Drive Contest, Closest to the pin Contest * All contests apply to both Men and Women * Banquet at Port 5 immediately following including 2 free drinks, Awards * Raffle Prizes * 50/50 drawing *
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